How to choose between MBA and MTech after graduating with an engineering degree

Choosing between the top engineering colleges in Karnataka for a master’s degree or searching for MBA colleges in Bangalore is a common question in any engineering graduate’s mind. The MBA colleges accept students with an engineering background but not vice-versa, which does open up the avenues for an engineering graduate. But there are no clear cut answers to this oft-asked question as it all depends upon your skills and your inclination. Usually, peer pressure is the reason that drives a graduate towards one or the other option as both degrees can provide a great future.

The pros of choosing an MBA after a BTech degree

Choosing any of the good MBA colleges in Bangalore is a popular option for any student from the top engineering colleges in Karnataka. Many students towards the end of their engineering degree start to dislike their field of choice or are pushed to change streams due to parental pressure, academic grades, or some other reason. To them, the MTech degree will only push them deeper into a hole that they are trying to run away from. Thus the MBA provides a new start to their professional lives. But as with any good thing, there are some bad items too.

The cons of choosing an MBA after a BTech degree

The placements provided at engineering branches are nothing more than potluck unless you graduate from the top engineering colleges in Karnataka. While graduating from the best MBA colleges in Bangalore, too, will ask you to run the gauntlet of luck during placements. It all depends upon the university’s relationship with the industry and which companies finally make it to these campus placement drives. It is quite possible that you have not chosen the specializations that are required by these companies.

The third option

While it is always possible that a master’s degree from the MBA colleges in Bangalore or the top engineering colleges in Karnataka might be enough to land a plush job through placements alone. However, the unfortunate ones may want a second start at their professional life in the form of a second MBA. Simultaneously, many students opt for these degrees abroad to build up their lives in either the engineering or management fields. A more friendly economy in many parts of the globe will compensate handsomely while also providing further studies and growth options.